Results for 'Robert J. Wenke'

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  1.  16
    Cosmic ray threshold rigidities and the earth's magnetic field.J. J. Quenby & G. J. Wenk - 1962 - Philosophical Magazine 7 (81):1457-1471.
  2.  73
    Glenberg's embodied memory: Less than meets the eye.Robert G. Crowder & Heidi E. Wenk - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (1):21-22.
    We are sympathetic to most of what Glenberg says in his target article, but we consider it common wisdom rather than something radically new. Others have argued persuasively against the idea of abstraction in cognition, for example. On the other hand, Hebbian connectionism cannot get along without the idea of association, at least at the neural level.
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    Using position rather than color at the traffic light – Covariation learning-based deviation from instructions in attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder.Robert Gaschler, Beate Elisabeth Ditsche-Klein, Michael Kriechbaumer, Christine Blech & Dorit Wenke - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Based on instructions people can form task representations that shield relevant from seemingly irrelevant information. It has been documented that instructions can tie people to a particular way of performing a task despite that in principle a more efficient way could be learned and used. Since task shielding can lead to persistence of inefficient variants of task performance, it is relevant to test whether individuals with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder – characterized by less task shielding – are more likely and quicker (...)
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  4. Constitutive Moral Luck and Strawson's Argument for the Impossibility of Moral Responsibility.Robert J. Hartman - 2018 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 4 (2):165-183.
    Galen Strawson’s Basic Argument is that because self-creation is required to be truly morally responsible and self-creation is impossible, it is impossible to be truly morally responsible for anything. I contend that the Basic Argument is unpersuasive and unsound. First, I argue that the moral luck debate shows that the self-creation requirement appears to be contradicted and supported by various parts of our commonsense ideas about moral responsibility, and that this ambivalence undermines the only reason that Strawson gives for the (...)
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    Sketch of a componential subtheory of human intelligence.Robert J. Sternberg - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (4):573-584.
  6. Indirectly Free Actions, Libertarianism, and Resultant Moral Luck.Robert J. Hartman - 2020 - Erkenntnis 85 (6):1417-1436.
    Martin Luther affirms his theological position by saying “Here I stand. I can do no other.” Supposing that Luther’s claim is true, he lacks alternative possibilities at the moment of choice. Even so, many libertarians have the intuition that he is morally responsible for his action. One way to make sense of this intuition is to assert that Luther’s action is indirectly free, because his action inherits its freedom and moral responsibility from earlier actions when he had alternative possibilities and (...)
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  7. Free Will and Moral Luck.Robert J. Hartman - 2022 - In Joseph Keim Campbell, Kristin M. Mickelson & V. Alan White, A Companion to Free Will. Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 378-392.
    Philosophers often consider problems of free will and moral luck in isolation from one another, but both are about control and moral responsibility. One problem of free will concerns the difficult task of specifying the kind of control over our actions that is necessary and sufficient to act freely. One problem of moral luck refers to the puzzling task of explaining whether and how people can be morally responsible for actions permeated by factors beyond their control. This chapter explicates and (...)
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  8.  78
    Women on Corporate Boards of Directors and Their Influence on Corporate Philanthropy.Robert J. Williams - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 42 (1):1 - 10.
    This study examined the relationship between the proportion of women serving on firms' boards of directors and the extent to which these same firms engaged in charitable giving activities. Using a sample of 185 Fortune 500 firms for the 1991-1994 time period, the results provide strong support for the notion that firms having a higher proportion of women serving on their boards do engage in charitable giving to a greater extent than firms having a lower proportion of women serving on (...)
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    The descent of man.Robert J. Richards - unknown
    Who can divine the intentions of the human heart, the motives that guide behavior? Some of the reasons for our actions lie on the surface of consciousness, whereas others are more deeply embedded in the recesses of the mind. Recovering motives and intentions is a principal job of the historian. For without some attribution of mental attitudes, actions cannot be characterized and decisions assessed. The same overt behavior, after all, might be described as “mailing a letter” or “fomenting a revolution.” (...)
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  10. The measure of mind.Robert J. Matthews - 1994 - Mind 103 (410):131-46.
  11. Accepting Moral Luck.Robert J. Hartman - 2019 - In Ian M. Church & Robert J. Hartman, The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy and Psychology of Luck. New York: Routledge.
    I argue that certain kinds of luck can partially determine an agent’s praiseworthiness and blameworthiness. To make this view clearer, consider some examples. Two identical agents drive recklessly around a curb, and one but not the other kills a pedestrian. Two identical corrupt judges would freely take a bribe if one were offered. Only one judge is offered a bribe, and so only one judge takes a bribe. Put in terms of these examples, I argue that the killer driver and (...)
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  12.  22
    Hume's Morals Theory.Robert J. Fogelin - 1983 - Mind 92 (365):129-132.
    First Published in 1980. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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  13. Heavenly Freedom and Two Models of Character Perfection.Robert J. Hartman - 2021 - Faith and Philosophy 38 (1):45-64.
    Human persons can act with libertarian freedom in heaven according to one prominent view, because they have freely acquired perfect virtue in their pre-heavenly lives such that acting rightly in heaven is volitionally necessary. But since the character of human persons is not perfect at death, how is their character perfected? On the unilateral model, God alone completes the perfection of their character, and, on the cooperative model, God continues to work with them in purgatory to perfect their own character. (...)
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  14. Emergentism and supervenience physicalism.Robert J. Howell - 2009 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 87 (1):83 – 98.
    A purely metaphysical formulation of physicalism is surprisingly elusive. One popular slogan is, 'There is nothing over and above the physical'. Problems with this arise on two fronts. First, it is difficult to explain what makes a property 'physical' without appealing to the methodology of physics or to particular ways in which properties are known. This obviously introduces epistemic features into the core of a metaphysical issue. Second, it is difficult to cash out 'over-and-aboveness' in a way that is rigorous, (...)
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  15. Self-knowledge and self-reference.Robert J. Howell - 2006 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 72 (1):44-70.
    Self-Knowledge and Self-Reference is a defense and reconciliation of the two apparently conflicting theses that the self is peculiarly elusive and that our basic, cogito-judgments are certain. On the one hand, Descartes seems to be correct that nothing is more certain than basic statements of self-knowledge, such as "I am thinking." On the other hand, there is the compelling Humean observation that when we introspect, nothing is found except for various "impressions." The problem, then, is that the Humean and Cartesian (...)
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  16.  83
    Hume's skeptical crisis: a textual study.Robert J. Fogelin - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Of knowledge and probability: a quick tour of part 3, book 1. Of knowledge ; Of probability; and of the idea of cause and effect ; Why a cause is always necessary? ; Of the component parts of our reasonings concerning causes and effects ; Of the impressions of the senses and memory ; Of the inference from the impression to the idea ; Of the nature of the idea, or belief ; Of the causes of belief ; Of the (...)
  17. The child's right to an open future: is the principle applicable to non-therapeutic circumcision?Robert J. L. Darby - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (7):463-468.
    The principle of the child's right to an open future was first proposed by the legal philosopher Joel Feinberg and developed further by bioethicist Dena Davis. The principle holds that children possess a unique class of rights called rights in trust—rights that they cannot yet exercise, but which they will be able to exercise when they reach maturity. Parents should not, therefore, take actions that permanently foreclose on or pre-empt the future options of their children, but leave them the greatest (...)
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  18.  96
    Measurement and Computational Skepticism.Robert J. Matthews & Eli Dresner - 2017 - Noûs 51 (4):832-854.
    Putnam and Searle famously argue against computational theories of mind on the skeptical ground that there is no fact of the matter as to what mathematical function a physical system is computing: both conclude (albeit for somewhat different reasons) that virtually any physical object computes every computable function, implements every program or automaton. There has been considerable discussion of Putnam's and Searle's arguments, though as yet there is little consensus as to what, if anything, is wrong with these arguments. In (...)
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    Word order priming in written and spoken sentence production.Robert J. Hartsuiker & Casper Westenberg - 2000 - Cognition 75 (2):B27-B39.
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  20. Informed Consent: Some Challenges to the Universal Validity of the Western Model.Robert J. Levine - 1991 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 19 (3-4):207-213.
  21.  42
    Clarifying the Concepts of Research Ethics.Robert J. Levine - 1979 - Hastings Center Report 9 (3):21-26.
  22. Fallacies.Robert J. Fogelin & Timothy J. Duggan - 1987 - Argumentation 1 (3):255-262.
    Fallacies are things people commit, and when they commit them they do something wrong. What kind of activities are people engaged in when they commit fallacies, and in what way are they doing something wrong? Many different things are called fallacies. The diversity of the use of the concept of a fallacy suggests that we are dealing with a family of cases not related by a common essence. However, we suggest a simple account of the nature of fallacies which encompasses (...)
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  23. Stoic Epistemology.Robert J. Hankinson - 2003 - In Brad Inwood, The Cambridge Companion to the Stoics. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 59--84.
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  24.  49
    Material implication, confirmation, and counterfactuals.Robert J. Farrell - 1979 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 20 (2):383-394.
  25. The knowledge argument and objectivity.Robert J. Howell - 2007 - Philosophical Studies 135 (2):145-177.
    In this paper I argue that Frank Jackson.
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    Could Competent Speakers Really Be Ignorant of Their Language?Robert J. Matthews - 2006 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 6 (3):457-467.
    This paper defends the commonsense conception of linguistic competence according to which linguistic competence involves propositional knowledge of language. More specifically, the paper defends three propositions challenged by Devitt in his Ignorance af Language. First, Chomskian linguists were right to embrace this commonsense conception of linguistic cornpetence. Second, the grammars that these linguists propose make a substantive claim about the computational processes that are presumed to constitute a speaker’s linguistic competence. Third, Chomskian linguistics is indeed a subfield of psychology, in (...)
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  27. Michael Ruse's Design for Living.Robert J. Richards - 2004 - Journal of the History of Biology 37 (1):25 - 38.
    The eminent historian and philosopher of biology, Michael Ruse, has written several books that explore the relationship of evolutionary theory to its larger scientific and cultural setting. Among the questions he has investigated are: Is evolution progressive? What is its epistemological status? Most recently, in "Darwin and Design: Does Evolution have a Purpose?," Ruse has provided a history of the concept of teleology in biological thinking, especially in evolutionary theorizing. In his book, he moves quickly from Plato and Aristotle to (...)
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    Neuroscience and the person: scientific perspectives on divine action.Robert J. Russell (ed.) - 2002 - Berkeley (USA): Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences.
    This collection of 21 essays explores the creative interaction among the cognitive neurosciences, philosophy, and theology. It is the result of an international research conference co-sponsored by the Vatican Observatory, Rome, and the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences, Berkeley.
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  29. Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation: A hierarchical model.Robert J. Vallerand & Catherine F. Ratelle - 2002 - In Edward L. Deci & Richard M. Ryan, Handbook of Self-Determination Research. University of Rochester Press. pp. 128--37.
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    The Skeptics Are Coming! The Skeptics Are Coming!Robert J. Fogelin - 2004 - In Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, Pyrrhonian skepticism. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 161--173.
    This essay explains a Pyrrhonian skepticism in contrast with Cartesian skepticism, and then argues that what externalists and contextualists oppose is only Cartesian skepticism. It contends that externalists and contextualists actually back themselves into a Pyrrhonist position because externalists give up the search for reasons for belief, and contextualists admit that believers have no reasons for their beliefs within epistemological contexts, which is whenever skepticism is at issue.
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    Moral Outrage and Opposition to Harm Reduction.Robert J. MacCoun - 2013 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 7 (1):83-98.
    Three public opinion studies examined public attitudes toward prevalence reduction (PR; reducing the number of people engaging in an activity) and harm reduction (HR; reducing the harm associated with an activity) across a wide variety of domains. Studies 1 and 2 were telephone surveys of California adults’ views on PR and HR strategies for a wide range of risk domains (heroin, alcoholism, tobacco, skateboarding, teen sex, illegal immigration, air pollution, and fast food). “Moral outrage” items (immoral, disgusting, irresponsible, dangerous) predicted (...)
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  32. Psychological reality of grammars.Robert J. Matthews - 1991 - In The Chomskyan Turn. Blackwell. pp. 182--200.
  33.  26
    Critical notice of Words and Contents, by Richard Vallée.Robert J. Stainton & Arthur Sullivan - 2021 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 51 (2):143-157.
    Section I gives an overview of the contents of “Words and Contents”, and lays out the plan for this Critical Notice. Section II expounds Vallée’s Perry-inspired Pluri-Propositional semantic framework, and Section III is an in-depth case study, focused on complex demonstratives. In Sections IV-V we develop some criticisms, and in Section VI we suggest a solution to these difficulties, which builds on Vallée’s innovative work.
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    Kant’s Ideality of Genius.Robert J. M. Neal - 2012 - Kant Studien 103 (3):351-360.
    : To say that a work of fine art is beautiful because it has been produced by a genius introduces a determinate concept precluding a judgment of the work’s beauty by way of a pure judgment of taste. What Kant in fact proposes is that we judge a work to be the product of genius as a consequence of our judgment of its beauty. As Kant explains in KU §58, when we judge the beautiful in fine art it is the (...)
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    Representations of the Natural System in the Nineteenth Century.Robert J. O' Hara - 1991 - Biology and Philosophy 6 (2):255.
    ‘The Natural System’ is the abstract notion of the order in living diversity. The richness and complexity of this notion is revealed by the diversity of representations of the Natural System drawn by ornithologists in the Nineteenth Century. These representations varied in overall form from stars, to circles, to maps, to evolutionary trees and cross-sections through trees. They differed in their depiction of affinity, analogy, continuity, directionality, symmetry, reticulation and branching, evolution, and morphological convergence and divergence. Some representations were two-dimensional, (...)
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    Telling the tree: Narrative representation and the study of evolutionary history.Robert J. O' Hara - 1992 - Biology and Philosophy 7 (2):135-160.
    Accounts of the evolutionary past have as much in common with works of narrative history as they do with works of science. Awareness of the narrative character of evolutionary writing leads to the discovery of a host of fascinating and hitherto unrecognized problems in the representation of evolutionary history, problems associated with the writing of narrative. These problems include selective attention, narrative perspective, foregrounding and backgrounding, differential resolution, and the establishment of a canon of important events. The narrative aspects of (...)
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    Lost in translation. Homer in English; the patient's story in medicine.Robert J. Marshall & Alan Bleakley - 2013 - Medical Humanities 39 (1):47-52.
    Next SectionIn a series of previous articles, we have considered how we might reconceptualise central themes in medicine and medical education through ‘thinking with Homer’. This has involved using textual approaches, scenes and characters from the Iliad and Odyssey for rethinking what is a ‘communication skill’, and what do we mean by ‘empathy’ in medical practice; in what sense is medical practice formulaic, like a Homeric ‘song’; and what is lyrical about medical practice. Our approach is not to historicise medicine (...)
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  38.  27
    What makes physical activity physical?Robert J. Paddick - 1975 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 2 (1):12-22.
  39. Can Connectionists Explain Systematicity?Robert J. Matthews - 1997 - Mind and Language 12 (2):154-177.
    Classicists and connectionists alike claim to be able to explain systematicity. The proposed classicist explanation, I argue, is little more than a promissory note, one that classicists have no idea how to redeem. Smolensky's (1995) proposed connectionist explanation fares little better: it is not vulnerable to recent classicist objections, but it nonetheless fails, particularly if one requires, as some classicists do, that explanations of systematicity take the form of a‘functional analysis’. Nonetheless, there are, I argue, reasons for cautious optimism about (...)
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  40. Sternberg References (from page 35).Robert J. Sternberg - 1991 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 7 (3):38-38.
  41.  50
    Galen and the Ontology of Powers.Robert J. Hankinson - 2014 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 22 (5):951-973.
    What, for Galen, are powers, and how are they to be properly individuated? The notion of a power or capacity does a great deal of work in Galen. As in Aristotle, the concept of a dunamis is tightly linked with that of an energeia, but these are not simply logical abstractions. Rather the natural energeiai are the basic functional activities of the animal body and its parts, and just as health consists in proper functioning, so disease is defined as ‘damage (...)
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  42.  56
    The natural selection model of conceptual evolution.Robert J. Richards - 1977 - Philosophy of Science 44 (3):494-501.
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    Implication and presupposition.Robert J. Farrell - 1986 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 27 (1):51-61.
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  44. Evidence and Meaning.Robert J. Fogelin - 1969 - Mind 78 (312):623-626.
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    Kant's second Critique and the problem of transcendental arguments.Robert J. Benton - 1977 - The Hague: M. Nijhoff.
    following list of abbreviations : Ethics — Lectures on Ethics GMM — Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals KrV — Critique of Pure Reason KU — Critique of ...
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  46. The Two‐Dimensionalist Reductio.Robert J. Howell - 2008 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 89 (3):348-358.
    In recent years two‐dimensional semantics has become one of the most serious alternatives to Millianism for the proper interpretation of modal discourse. It has origins in the works of a diverse group of philosophers, and it has proven popular as an interpretation of both language and thought. It has probably received most of its attention, however, because of its use by David Chalmers in his arguments against materialism. It is this more metaphysical application of two‐dimensionalism that is the concern in (...)
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  47. A Classical Analogy of Entanglement.Robert J. C. Spreeuw - 1998 - Foundations of Physics 28 (3):361-374.
    A classical analogy of quantum mechanical entanglement is presented, using classical light beams. The analogy can be pushed a long way, only to reach its limits when we try to represent multiparticle, or nonlocal, entanglement. This demonstrates that the latter is of exclusive quantum nature. On the other hand, the entanglement of different degrees of freedom of the same particle might be considered classical. The classical analog cannot replace Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen type experiments, nor can it be used to build a quantum (...)
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  48.  41
    If This be Heresy: Haeckel=s Conversion to Darwinism.Robert J. Richards - unknown
    Just before Ernst Haeckel’s death in 1919, historians began piling on the faggots for a splendid auto-da-fé. Though more people prior to the Great War learned of Darwin’s theory through his efforts than through any other source, including Darwin himself, Haeckel has been accused of not preaching orthodox Darwinian doctrine. In 1916, E. S. Russell, judged Haeckel's principal theoretical work, Generelle Morphologie der Organismen, as "representative not so much of Darwinian as of pre-Darwinian thought."1 Both Stephen Jay Gould and Peter (...)
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  49.  11
    Kuhn's Structure of Scientific Revolutions at fifty: reflections on a science classic.Robert J. Richards & Lorraine Daston (eds.) - 2016 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Thomas S. Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions was a watershed event when it was published in 1962, upending the previous understanding of science as a slow, logical accumulation of facts and introducing, with the concept of the “paradigm shift,” social and psychological considerations into the heart of the scientific process. More than fifty years after its publication, Kuhn’s work continues to influence thinkers in a wide range of fields, including scientists, historians, and sociologists. It is clear that The Structure (...)
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  50.  58
    Prevention of Stroke in Sickle Cell Anemia.Robert J. Adams - 2014 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 42 (2):135-138.
    Sickle cell anemia is a disease characterized by abnormal hemoglobin structure. There is a mutation in the beta-globin gene that changes the sixth amino acid from glutamic acid to valine causing the mutated hemoglobin to polymerize reversibly when deoxygenated to form a gelatinous network of fibrous polymers that stiffen and distort the red blood cell membrane. This leads to episodes of microvascular vasoocclusion and premature RBC destruction leading to hemolytic anemia. For reasons that are unclear, some children develop a large (...)
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